New UK Charter to Support SAS Doctors' Professional Development Needs

RCPE Press Release

19 June 2013


NHS employers and other stakeholders will today be urged to endorse and adopt a new UK-wide charter which has been developed by the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh (RCPE) to recognise and support SAS doctors’ distinct professional needs.

Why is the Charter for SAS doctors required?

Republic of Ireland

Dr Timothy Patrick Cassidy

Consultant Physician (Elderly Medicine and Stroke) St Vincent’s University Hospital, Dublin

Graduated in 1983 from RCSI, Dublin. My postgraduate training was in the North East of England and Edinburgh. I was appointed a consultant physician in 1993 in the NE of England where I developed my interest in Stroke Medicine and services.

Volume 42: Issue 3: 2012

This issue marks the end of Dr Gillian Mead’s time as Assistant Editor, a task she has performed with consummate skill, precision and good humour. We wish to thank Gillian for her wise support. We welcome Dr Andrew Medford (Bristol) who has become Education Editor. Andrew’s interest in both medical education and publishing will be of great benefit.Each issue is a mosaic of topics which we hope crosses specialty boundaries imaginatively.

Volume 43: Issue 2: 2013

Each issue of the Journal combines original article submissions (which can rarely be anticipated), commissioned editorials, educational articles and clinical controversies/opinions. Overall, we hope the topics selected cover relevant  issues. Our recent Presidential editorial provoked much positive comment; now a letter from Dr Caldwell in response takes the debate forward and outlines manageable ways to guide the NHS back to a quality service.

Volume 43: Issue 1: 2013

Three editorials in this issue should interest physicians, worldwide. First, our President and Vice Presidents map out the requirements for the NHS to restore quality healthcare and maintain patient dignity. Then, Alan Bittles applies unique knowledge of the global impact of genetic disorders to considering how this impinges on healthcare provision.

RCPE Comment on HEE Mandate

RCPE Press Release

28 May2013

Commenting on the publication of the government’s mandate to Health Education England [1], Dr Neil Dewhurst, President of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh (RCPE), said,

“The RCPE welcomes the publication of the mandate for Health Education England and in particular its emphasis on developing and supporting a highly trained medical workforce of a sufficient size and depth to deliver the future, and increasingly complex, care needs of patients in England.

Trainees and Members' Committee profiles

The Trainees and Members’ Committee is a representative Committee of elected Trainees and Members (post-MRCP(UK)), Associates (pre-MRCP(UK)) and e-Associates (medical students and Foundation Doctors) of the College. The Committee provides support for trainees and to ensure that the views of trainees are represented in all College discussions and to represent trainees in our external discussions, such as within the Joint Royal Colleges of Physicians Training Board (JRCPTB).