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The John Munro Medal for excellence in teaching
A prize named in memory of the late Dr John Munro OBE FRCPE has been created to recognise the significant contribution of trainees and SAS doctors to teaching and training. Dr John Munro was a passionate teacher who inspired and influenced the clinical practice of countless doctors worldwide over a career spanning more than 40 years. This prize complements the Chiron Medal, which also recognises excellence in teaching and training.
The prize consists of £500 and a medal which will be presented at a future Diploma Ceremony.
Candidates must be a trainee or SAS grade doctor in a medical speciality and currently working in the UK. Current Members of the Trainees and Members' Committee are not eligible for nomination.
Selection Criteria
We are seeking to recognise the often unacknowledged and informal contributions that trainees and SAS doctors make to teaching on a daily basis. Selection criteria include, but are not limited to, the following;
Exceptional contribution to teaching and training, for example:
- regular informal teaching of medical students and junior colleagues (including nursing staff and AHPs) in the ward/clinic setting, as well as participation in/organisation of more formal teaching sessions
- organising PACES teaching/examinations
- initiative in setting up local training courses, e.g. Hospital @ Night Course for new medical registrars
Personal commitment to students and trainees. This may be demonstrated by:
- consistently positive feedback from students and fellow trainees (formal or informal)
- for applications supported by an educational supervisor/training programme director/appraiser, this can also include consistent evidence in the e-portfolio/appraisal folder, e.g. multi-source Feedback, supervisors report and multiple consultant report
Mentoring and advice to junior colleagues, for example:
- participation in formal mentoring schemes
- a reliable source of informal support and advice for junior colleagues.
Proficiency in practical training and/or formal teaching (not as part of a medical education fellowship), for example
- attending formal teaching courses
- regular teaching on formal training courses, e.g. ALS (advanced life support)
Nomination and selection procedure
- Self-nomination for this award is not accepted.
- A College member may submit nominations.
- When open, send all completed nomination forms to memberdev@rcpe.ac.uk
Selection procedure:
- Short-listing will be carried out by the Trainees and Members’ Committee of the College.
- Final selection by a panel comprising senior College office bearers and the Chair of the Trainees and Members’ Committee.
Recent Recipients
- Dr Latif Raiyan Rahman
- Dr Stefanie Lip
- Dr Nauman Arif Jadoon
- Dr Raheel Ahmed
- Dr Punith Kempegowda
- Dr Amar Puttana
- Dr J D Chalmers
- Dr Ahmed Abbas
- Dr Neill Storrar
- Dr Ben Warne
Please contact memberdev@rcpe.ac.uk
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