
Empowering medical excellence, shaping healthcare futures.
13 March 2024
Statement on BBC report regarding Palestinian medical staff
The College is disturbed by a BBC report issued on 12th March 2024, which appears to show Palestinian medical staff in Gaza being beaten and humiliated by Israeli troops.
As we initially stated on 13th October 2023, our College is a multinational, multifaith healthcare charity, whose Fellows and Members share the collective purpose of improving the standard of medical practice and the quality of patient care, wherever they may work.
Medical staff often put their lives on the line during conflicts, and they should never be subjected to humiliation or torture.
Concerns relating to the BBC report have also been raised by all of the major political parties in the UK, as well as by humanitarian organisations including Amnesty International.
We wish to reiterate our position, on behalf of all our Fellows and Members, that violence in all forms is abhorrent. We express our compassion for all affected peoples across the region and our support for the medical communities that are attempting to care for them.