
Empowering medical excellence, shaping healthcare futures.
16 January 2024
Position Statement on Physician Associates in the UK
Colleagues will be aware of the significant ongoing concerns surrounding the development and deployment of the Medical Associate Professions (MAPs) in the UK. This statement outlines the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh's ("the College") position on the specific role of the physician associate.
The College recognises the invaluable contributions of all members of the multiprofessional healthcare team in providing high quality and safe patient care, and we believe that with appropriate education, training, regulation and support, physician associates can contribute to such care.
However, clinical medicine is increasingly complex and the unique role of the doctor as the clinician - with the breadth and depth of knowledge and skills to allow highly skilled clinical reasoning, complex decision making and the management of uncertainty - must be preserved and strengthened.
There are clear differences in the education and training of doctors and physician associates:
The College further notes the following specific points:
The Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh is a registered charity, which helps qualified doctors to pursue their careers in specialist (internal) medicine through medical examinations, education and training. We also provide resources and information to support and facilitate professional development for doctors throughout their careers. The College has a strong UK and international presence with over 14,000 Fellows and Members in over 100 countries – including in every part of the UK - covering 54 medical specialties and interests.