We provide education, training and support worldwide.

The College is honoured to have international Fellows and Collegiate Members in over 100 countries around the world.

Our active network of International Regional Advisers covers 26 countries throughout the world. Elected as local representatives for the College, Regional Advisers allow us to provide quality services to physicians worldwide.

Our President and Senior Office Bearers attend a number of conferences of Medical Colleges and Academies annually, and host local meetings of our Fellows. We also take great delight in welcoming many new Fellows and their families to the College for our New Fellows’ Ceremonies in June and November each year.

Our International Executive Group is responsible for delivering the College’s international strategy, working in partnership with other Colleges and organisations worldwide where possible.

Vice President (International)
Dr Conor Maguire FRCPEdin

Deputy Director (International)
Professor Liz Grant MA PhD, FRSE, FRCPE, MFPH

Assistant International Director
Professor Aamir Ghafoor Khan MSc(G), DGM RCP & S(G), FRCP(Lond), FRCP(G), FRCP(Ed), FRCPI(Ire), FEBG(Eu), FRSM(UK), FACP(USA), FACG(USA), AGAF(USA)


The College is also involved with charitable projects in low income countries - for further information please see our international partnership pages.

International newsletter

Medical Training Initiative

We create opportunities for international trainees enabling them to experience up to two years of UK training in the NHS, and are exploring how we can support UK trainees to gain experience of health systems in other countries.

Education Portal

We continue to develop our Education Portal, giving international Fellows and Members access to our education resources wherever they are. A wide range of educational materials covering over 20 medical specialties are available.

Live streaming events

We live stream most of our events, and selected events are webstreamed live to a number of venues around the world. We invite our international Fellows and Members to join events via our live stream where possible, and all events are made available on-demand for 28 days to enable you to catch up from any time zone. To access our events please register using our events calendar.

International Medical Updates (IMUs)

Our International Medical Updates (IMUs), organised by Regional Advisers, are delivered online by expert speakers from the host country or region. Talks are relevant to local population health needs and typically informed by local cases, epidemiology, policy, or research, but best practice and learning transcends borders. IMU talks are available free of charge to RCPE Fellows & Members either at the live event or through our Education Portal.

International examination centres

International demand for MRCP(UK) and Specialty Certificate Examinations continue to grow. We work with our sister Colleges in London and Glasgow to increase the number of places for candidates and the number of exam centre locations.

Support for refugee doctors

Doctors who have come to the UK as refugees can access the College’s education programme and membership free of charge to continue their professional development and training with a view to returning to work as a doctor. Those doctors who require support can find further information here.