South Africa

Professor Mashiko Setshedi
South Africa
Further Information
Primary Position: St Anne’s Chair and Professor of Gastroenterology
Place of work: University of Cape Town/Groote Schuur Hospital
Professor Mashiko Setshedi MBChB (UKZN), FCP (CMSA), Certificate of Gastroenterology (CMSA), MPH (UCT), PhD (UCT), FRCP (Edin)
Mashiko joined the University of Cape Town (UCT) in 2005. Between 2009 and 2011 she was at Brown University conducting laboratory research towards a PhD registered at UCT.
In 2015 she was awarded the Oxford Nuffield Medical Scholarship where she spent 2.5 years at Oxford University on a post-doctoral fellowship. She returned in May 2018 to assume her current role as the Chair and Head of Medical Gastroenterology at Groote Schuur Hospital/UCT.
She has peer-reviewed publications, supervises Masters and PhD students, examines and convenes for the Colleges of Medicine of South Africa and serves as an external examiner at national universities.
She is a member of several committees within the Faculty of Health Sciences and university and has received numerous awards.