Singapore (Eastern)

Dr Endean Z H Tan
Asia Pacific
Singapore - Eastern Region
Further Information
Primary Position: Senior Consultant, General Medicine and Head, Acute Internal Medicine Service
Place of work: Tan Tock Seng Hospital
MBBS(Singapore), MRCP(UK), MSc Int Med(Edin), FRCP(Edin), FAMS
Asst Prof Endean Tan is a Senior Consultant at the Department of General Medicine, Tan Tock Seng Hospital, and is the founder and Head of the Acute Internal Medicine Service. He has a strong interest in medical education and assessments. In addition to being Principal Lead for Medicine (Final Year) and a clinical examiner at the Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, he is also a clinical tutor and examiner at the Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore (NUS), the Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School, and the Alice Lee School of Nursing, NUS. At the postgraduate level, he is a local clinical tutor and UK examiner for the MRCP(UK) examination, and a tutor for the local exit examinations for the Advanced Internal Medicine Senior Residency Programme.
He has a passion for nurturing the next generation of doctors and has been very active in the leadership and mentorship of students and colleagues from the pre-undergraduate to the postgraduate years. He feels that while, locally, medical education is delivered rather well and competencies monitored sufficiently closely, career guidance tends to take a backseat. He earnestly hopes that he will be able to support training and post-training physicians here and the College develop stronger mutual educational and professional ties, enhance networking across the region, and refocus energies on fostering an inclusive and expansive expression of the College’s vision in Singapore.