
Prof Thin Thin Nwe
Asia Pacific
Further Information
Professor Thin Thin Nwe
MBBS, MMedSc (Internal Medicine)
MRCPI, FRCPI, FRCP (Glasg), FRCP (Edin), FRCP (London)
DrMedSc (General Medicine), DipMedEd
Primary Position: Professor and Head, Department of Medicine, University of Medicine 1, Yangon, Myanmar
Place of work: New Yangon General Hospital
Professor Thin Thin Nwe is Clinical Professor and Head of Department of Medicine, University of Medicine 1, Yangon. She is graduated from University of Medicine 1, Yangon in 1987. She has also got Master degree, Doctorate in General Medicine and Diploma in Medical Education from University of Medicine 1, Yangon. She is also a Fellow of three Royal college of Physicians, UK and also Royal college of Physicians of Ireland.
She is now the President of Academic Committee of Department of Medicine, University of Medicine 1, Yangon and a permanent member of Myanmar Medical Association, Myanmar.
She is interested in Cardiology, Renal Medicine and Geriatric Medicine. With the total of 30 years of experience in healthcare sector, she has delivered substantial contributions in clinical management and leadership, medical education and medical ethics training.
As Clinical Professor and Head, her academic contributions have been significant for Myanmar medical research.
Part of her academic passions include teaching undergrad and postgrad students. She is encouraging the next generation of physicians to take an interest in research which she strongly believes in to improve management and patient outcomes.
Main purpose of collaboration with Royal Collages of Physicians is to produce more members and fellows in future to strengthen the healthcare foundations worldwide.