
Prof Quazi Tarikul Islam
South Asia
Bangladesh - Dhaka
Further Information
Professor and Head, Department of Medicine, Popular Medical College, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Biographical information
Quazi Tarikul Islam graduated in 1981. He qualified his FCPS (Fellowship) in Internal Medicine in July 1987.
Dr Islam served as Consultant, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and Professor of Medicine in different Medical colleges. After retirement he joined in Popular Medical College ( Private) as Professor of Medicine. He is an Examiner for undergraduates and Postgraduates examinations. He worked as editor in chief of different journals of Bangladesh and also reviewer of many international journals.
He received the fellowship from American College of Physicians in 2004, Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow in 2008, Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh in 2009 and Master of American College of Physicians in 2018 . He was the Councilor, Treasurer and former Controller of examination of Bangladesh College of Physicians and Surgeons. He is the past president of Bangladesh Society of Medicine, and Founder Governor of American College of Physicians ( ACP) Bangladesh Chapter. He is the Executive Member of International Society of Internal Medicine (ISIM) 2018-2020.