The Academy of Medical Royal Colleges has released the statement below on behalf of the Royal Colleges following the clear vote in favour of action by junior doctors in England on their contracts. 

Please do not hesitate to get in touch with the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh if you would like advice or would like to discuss your concerns on this matter - 

Academy of Medical Royal Colleges’ statement on junior doctors’ contract

The Academy is urging both sides in the current dispute around junior doctors’ contracts to step back from the brink and re-enter negotiations in good faith so that an agreement can be reached. If necessary this should be through third party conciliation and arbitration. Failure to do so will have an adverse impact on the NHS and current and future patients.

Notes for guidance:

1. Background – the role of the Academy:

  • The purpose of the Academy and its members is to be the voice of the medical profession in the UK across specialties on matters relating to education, training and improving healthcare for patients.
  • The Academy has a critical role to play in ensuring doctors are recruited, retained and developed so that they can provide healthcare that is safe – today and in the future.
  • The Academy is therefore, by definition, involved in the current debate although it does not have a remit to discuss terms and conditions of employment.

2. Background – this dispute:

  • The Academy is supportive of doctors in training and ensuring the best training and work environment.
  • The Academy recognises and understands the very real concerns that are being expressed by trainees about the value of their contribution.
  • The Academy is very seriously concerned that negotiations around the new junior doctors’ contract have reached an impasse and there is now a clear timetable leading to industrial action.
  • The Academy recognises it is the right of any individual doctor to take industrial action within the guidelines set out by the General Medical Council.