Speaker: Prof Vivian Nutton (University College London)

The De humani corporis fabrica of Andreas Vesalius (

Royal Edinburgh Hospital Bicentenary Lecture
Speaker: Dr Gayle Davis (University of Edinburgh

Speaker: Dr Helen MacDonald (University of Melbourne)

Grave-robbing and the Burke and Hare murders have

Speaker: Professor Mary Fissell (The Johns Hopkins University)

Aristotle's Masterpiece is neither a

Speaker: Professor Emeritus Alan Emery (Edinburgh and Oxford University)

The doctor-patient relationship has

Speaker: Sir Iain Chalmers (Editor - James Lind Library)

Contrary to widely believed assertions, the concept

Royal Edinburgh Hospital Bicentenary Lecture

Speaker: Dr Allan Beveridge (Queen Margaret

Speaker: Professor Edgar Jones (King’s College London)

The two World Wars intensified the study of the