Representing the Womb in Three Dimensions: From Ancient Greek Votives to the “knit your own uterus” Movement
Speaker: Professor Helen King (Open University)
Modern medical imaging represents the cutting-edge of displaying the hidden world within our bodies with resolutions never before seen, but these digital masterpieces are only the latest in a long line of media that have, historically, been used to model human anatomies. Terracotta, wax, glass, metal and fabric have all been used as a basis for such models, which can provide an insight into how patients experienced and understood their own bodies.
This talk explores the representation of the body in general and, more specifically, the womb - an organ which has a fascinating history in various cultures. From the ancient Greeks' and the Etruscan's clay offerings to modern representations in wool and enamel, the womb has always been a subject of exploration for artists and historians alike.