A podcast series exploring the history of medicine and the human body - from head to toe


This fortnightly podcast takes us around the body. In each episode we will delve into the history of a different body part.

The podcast is available to download on Spotify, iTunes, Podbean and Soundcloud.

The tongue has long been viewed as a meaning-laden symbol as well as a flappy mouth muscle. In this episode we

In this episode we explore the changing perceptions of fatness – from the fashionable fatness of the 1300s, 1400s

In this episode we explore the history of the breast. We’ll unpick some myths about Amazonian warriors and supposed

The mouth is the gateway to the body – so what better way to understand what is happening inside you, than to

Hair could indicate you were virile, dangerous, untrustworthy, jealous, or just plain old unsanitary. We trace the

Hearing, and by extension the ear, was viewed as a civilising influence in the Victorian era. Music was a popular

Teeth have been a constant source of pain and problems throughout history – from rotting teeth and tooth pullers, to

Would you chow down on a human skull to treat your headache? In this episode we explore the history of medical