Author(s): C Voukalis, E Shantsila, GYH LipJournal Issue: Volume 47: Issue 1: 2017 Format Abstract Oral anticoagulation therapy has reduced the risk of ischaemic stroke and improved the outcomes for patients with atrial fibrillation considerably. The emergence of the non-vitamin K oral anticoagulants as alternatives to vitamin K antagonists has significantly changed the practice of stroke prevention in atrial fibrillation. As the main complication with antithrombotic therapy is bleeding, physicians should always balance the risk of ischaemic stroke against intracranial haemorrhage and intervene where appropriate to reduce both risks. Individual approach is often mandatory due to heterogeneity of the risks and patient preferences. The purpose of this review is to summarise the current knowledge of the oral anticoagulation therapy in atrial fibrillation patients and guide physicians with the management of anticoagulants based on data from clinical trials and systematic reviews. PDF Journal Keywords: atrial fibrillationbleeding risknet clinical benefitnon-vitamin K oral anticoagulantsoral anticoagulationrisk stratificationstroke prevention