Journal Mobile

H Hafeez, A Yusuf
Journal Issue: 
Volume 38: Issue 4: 2008




The MRCP(UK)   examination   enjoys   a   tremendous   reputation internationally. Recent changes to the immigration system have made it difficult for international graduates to come to the UK for training, which has resulted in many  doctors  taking  the  MRCP  examination  without  having  worked  in  UK. Understandably, these doctors face difficulty in tackling the exam, especially the talking stations (2 and 4) of the Practical Assessment of Clinical Examination Skills examination  (PACES).  Our  answer  to  the  problem  was  to  set  up  preparatory courses for the MRCP examination in our hospital. Although faced with logistical difficulties we have managed, with support from our consultant colleagues, to set up  and  run  courses  both  for  Part  1  and  the  PACES  examination  of  Part  2.  In holding  the  courses  we  have  identified  a  huge  deficiency  in  the  training  of  our doctors  in  communication  skills. We  hope  that  similar  courses  will  be  set  up across the country, and that communication skills will gain more recognition in the medical curricula at all levels.