A history of medicine podcast based on lectures and events at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh


This podcast presents stories from the history of medicine. Casenotes examines some of the different ways that doctors have thought about health and illness over the past two thousand years, exploring a range of eye-opening subjects and intriguing events from antiquity. The podcasts are live recordings of events which have taken place in the College. To see the slides please check the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh Youtube channel.

The podcast is available to download on Spotify, iTunes, Podbean and Soundcloud.

When the first medical photographs were taken in 1840, the camera was

Join authors Ambrose Parry (Dr Marisa Haetzman & Chris Brookmyre) to discuss their new historical novel of

Tuberculosis: a contagious, infectious disease that has been a

This paper is a historical study and analysis of the events

Humane societies, charities whose focus was the recovery of nearly-

In 1495 a new pandemic swept through Europe. Those infected suffered

Can old specimens contain new information? Mütter Museum Curator,

In renaissance Europe the great feared poisoning - as they had since