Department of Health
Monday, 27 June, 2016

As explained in Cabinet Office guidance on reviewing public bodies, the department reviews its arm’s length bodies at least once every Parliament.

This tailored review looks at PHE’s performance and effectiveness, efficiency, and governance.

We want to know what you think about:

  • whether PHE performs necessary functions
  • whether these functions are delivered effectively
  • how issues are prioritised and how well PHE performs
  • whether PHE is efficient and provides good value for money
  • whether the governance processes are appropriate and effective


In recent years, the health and social care system in England has undergone substantial change. The Health and Social Care Act 2012 and the Care Act 2014 have devolved functions and powers away from the Department of Health to local and arm’s length bodies (ALBs).

The Department has a key stewardship and assurance role in respect of ALBs within the health and care system. The Department needs to ensure these organisations have appropriate functions and are performing to a high standard.

To support performance of this stewardship function, the Department is undertaking Tailored Reviews of its arm’s length bodies, through a combination of thematic cross-cutting reviews and some individual Tailored Reviews of its larger ALBs. Public Health England, an Executive Agency of the Department, is subject to review in 2016-17.

The programme of reviews builds on the approach developed by the Cabinet Office as part of its work on public bodies reform.

Purpose of the review

The Department of Health routinely holds PHE to account in line with the Department of Health accountability framework and, as noted above, this review is part of a wider programme that the Department has developed as part of its stewardship and assurance function. The review will look in particular at:

  • Performance and effectiveness: including setting of priorities, assessment of performance, Public Health England (PHE) structure and stakeholder engagement.
  • Efficiency: including digitisation, use of estate, and procurement/contract costs.
  • Governance: including board effectiveness and strategic planning.

This Tailored Review will aim to take full account of any previous reviews or analysis, such as internal audits, NAO reports or Health Select Committee inquiries. The review will seek to take full account of such work and to avoid duplicating effort or imposing unnecessary burdens.

The views of stakeholders are a vital source of evidence to support analysis. This Call for Evidence seeks views from respondents to assist its consideration of the areas of focus for the review.

About PHE

Public Health England (PHE) is an Executive Agency of the Department of Health. PHE is the expert national public health agency which fulfils the Secretary of State for Health’s statutory duty to protect health and address health inequalities, and executes the Secretary of State’s power to promote the health and wellbeing of the nation.

PHE is primarily responsible for:

  • Protecting the public’s health from infectious diseases and other public health hazards.
  • Improving the public’s health and wellbeing.
  • Improving population health through sustainable health and care services.
  • Building the capacity and capability of the public health system