Royal College of Physicians of London
Wednesday, 6 January, 2016

1. Introduction

This document has been designed to assist pulmonary rehabilitation services to prepare for accreditation. It defines the key standards, criteria and evidence requirements for Pulmonary Rehabilitation (PR) service accreditation. It applies to all sectors and nations in the United Kingdom.


The aim of the Pulmonary Rehabilitation accreditation standards and supporting evidence is to support the achievement of quality, safe, appropriate and Pulmonary Rehabilitation services.


The purpose of this document is to define the standards and evidence requirements that apply to Pulmonary Rehabilitation services that participate in the accreditation scheme. The accreditation process will be supported by evidence from the British Thoracic Society Quality Standards for Pulmonary rehabilitation In Adults (May 2014). In turn these quality statements should be read alongside the BTS Guidelines for pulmonary Rehabilitation in Adults 2013.


The evidence requirements apply to a Pulmonary Rehabilitation service (for adults) in the NHS and private sector. They are applicable to all Pulmonary Rehabilitation services in the United Kingdom.


The evidence requirements were developed with the following principles in mind:

  • Significance: standards and the evidence requirements will reflect existing national policy, quality standards, guidelines and professional guidance.
  • Objectivity: eligibility for the award of accreditation shall be assessed on the basis of the collection and presentation of suitable and reasonable documentary evidence and on observation.
  • Prudence: ideally evidence should be produced as a by-product of another routine activity to avoid causing excessive administrative burden. Applicants should use the most recent information they have, provided it has been gathered within the last 12 months.


The PR standards are split across six standards, covering all aspects of a PR service. The domains are listed below.

A. Leadership and Organisation

B. Clinical Care

C. Patient Education & Information

D. Patient Experience

E. Facilities & Equipment

F. Workforce

Each standard has a unique number which comprises the relevant domain letter and a numerical number. Standards that are linked, similar or might be demonstrated with the same piece of evidence are referenced in the guidance notes.