Journal Mobile

GT Linklater
Journal Issue: 
Volume 40: Issue 1: 2010




The aim of this study was to identify the educational needs of year one North  of  Scotland  foundation  doctors  caring  for  dying  patients.  A  postal questionnaire  approach  was  used. The  results  from  the  questionnaire  (79/132 respondents) confirmed that year one foundation doctors are frequently exposed to  patient  death,  with  61%  finding  their  most  memorable  patient  death  to  be emotionally  distressing. A  quarter  (26%)  of  respondents  had  recent  experience of  significant  personal  bereavement.  Communicating  with  patients  and  relatives at  the  end  of  life,  concerns  about  overtreatment  and  lack  of  senior  support were  highlighted  as  particularly  difficult  issues.  Educational  needs  of  the foundation doctors were identified, emphasising the importance of emotional, analytical and personal competencies.