Royal Pharmaceutical Society
Wednesday, 7 March, 2018

The pharmacist, as with other healthcare professionals such as medical doctors, may practice or operate in various roles. This may be directly in patient facing roles or other important medicine development, healthcare or scientific positions. The role of the pharmacist, no matter where they work or their specialist area, is person-centred – their role will impact on the public and patients. The statement (see attachment for a full outline) describes how the pharmacist’s role is contributing to healthcare and society now and how it will develop and be applied further in the next five years. Defining the breadth of knowledge, experience and contribution the pharmacist has, rather than specific roles they may play in a rapidly developing healthcare and science environment, recognises their varied scope in serving the interests of the patients and public.

Our Fellows have suggested that the statement under recognises the pivotal role that pharmacists can play in the NHS. For example, there is an opportunity here to link in to Realistic Medicine – and perhaps to recognise the demographic change and impact of frailty.