General Medical Council (GMC)
Wednesday, 3 February, 2016

The GMC advises doctors on the standards expected of them by the profession, their patients and the general public.

Our current Confidentiality guidance was published in 2009. We are reviewing it to make sure that it is clear, helpful, relevant to doctors’ needs and compatible with the law throughout the UK. We are also reviewing seven explanatory statements that give more detailed advice on how to apply the principles in the confidentiality guidance to situations that doctors often encounter, or find hard to deal with, and the guidance on confidentiality issues contained in our publication 0-18 years: guidance for all doctors.

We would welcome the views of any individual or organisation with an interest in the draft guidance and the issues that it covers.


Confidentiality is central to the trust between doctors and patients. Patients have a right to expect that information about their health will be kept in confidence by their doctors. But confidentiality is not absolute, and a balance needs to be struck between protecting confidential patient information and sharing information appropriately.

This can be a difficult balance to get right and confidentiality is one of the main topics that doctors, patients and others ask us for advice about. We are therefore keen to hear a wide range of views on the revised draft guidance.