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S McConnell
Journal Issue: 
Volume 38: Issue 2: 2008




This  symposium  appealed  to  a  wide  variety  of  professionals.  The importance of anticipatory care planning was consistently stressed as a key means of  improving  end-of-life  care  in  the  twenty-first  century.  Such  planning  can  be difficult, not least because of the differences in illness trajectories and the problem of  identifying  dying. Various  initiatives,  frameworks  and  care  pathways  have  been devised  to  aid  this  planning  process.  Lack  of  palliative  care  training  and  support compromises the   quality    of  end-of-life care   provided in  many    care   homes. Symptom  management  is  obviously  important  and,  if  associated  with  impaired renal function, frequently necessitates modifications to drug therapy. Patient narratives were demonstrated as an invaluable insight into the patient’s perspective. Discussions  surrounding  ‘do  not  attempt  resuscitation’  (DNAR)  decisions  are often challenging, but new guidance has been produced. The day was closed with multi-professional case presentations debated by the panel of speakers.