General Medical Council
Monday, 4 December, 2017

As part of the GMC's responsibilities, they set out in the outcomes for graduates what newly qualified doctors from UK medical schools must know and be able to do. The outcomes for graduates provide: a guide for students on what they need to learn; a basis for medical schools to develop their curricula; a framework for the GMC to regulate medical schools against; and a guide for employers and those designing postgraduate training on what newly qualified doctors can be expected to know and do. A revised draft of the outcomes was produced with the help of medical educationalists, postgraduate training organisations, employers, doctors in training and lay people.

This consultation asks some general and specific questions about the revised outcomes. The College believes that the revised outcomes document should broadly be welcomed. However, some problems that are evident are not addressed. As an example, retention in medicine is poor. By the end of medical school 10% in Scotland fail to take on pre-registration posts. This continues through junior doctor jobs. The College would welcome more focus on clinical examination skills and on doctors insight into decision making bias and process, and also on resilience training.

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